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Take 25% off our Hanukkah collection with code HANUKKAH2024*
Take 25% off our Hanukkah collection with code HANUKKAH2024

Melanie Dankowicz Text Options

Melanie Dankowicz Standard Ketubah Texts 
All are available for same sex couples 

Traditional Orthodox

Conservative with Lieberman Clause

Egalitarian Reform

Egalitarian Togetherness

Modern LGBTQ+



You will have the opportunity to specify on the Ketubah Worksheet if you would like your ketubah text in just Hebrew/Aramaic, just English, or both Hebrew and English, or if you would perhaps like to add a third language.

You are welcome to edit any one of the standard ketubah texts if you wish. This includes the same sex ketubah, Orthodox ketubah texts, as well as Conservative, Egalitarian, and Interfaith ketubah texts.